Canada Tour 2012 // Last blog!


Right then, here is my final mini blog from my recent Canadian tour. It’s all done & dusted now & I’ve had a few days to recover so thought it was about time to do the last one (for anyone that is still reading them!). “Up high!” After yet another, but relatively quick flight across […] Continue Reading »

Canada 2012 tour // Part 2.


So…once again I find myself at Vancouver airport with a couple of hours to kill. I’ve spent half my tour in this place! Which is kinda odd as I’ve not had a chance to stop in the city apart from driving thru it a few times. Hopefully next time I’ll get to stop & meet […] Continue Reading »

Canada 2012 tour // Part 1.


So…. As I said to a few people before I left here is my first mini blog from my current (and my first ever) Canadain tour! At the moment I’m sitting waiting for a delayed flight in Vancouver airport, on my way to Edmonton for a gig tonight. I’ve got 2 hours to kill so […] Continue Reading »

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